Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, please??


New Adventurer
May 10, 2014
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I know, the gold seems meaningless in this game, but with years of development we get more and more things to spend it to, one of the examples - forge/craft. However, for those who are dedicated to this game and do not want to leave it just after they witness the great monotonous overboring grind and farming, huge number of bugs and glitches, and especially crashes and corrupts, do in fact have a lot of gold with themselves, and it's not really that fun to lose 50-70k or even more per death just because you decided to ENJOY playing the game/mod, and not just play in generic tryhard farming stressful/annoying mode, using only the most powerful and not-so-fun weapons.

Afterall, we already have money/gold bank in Deralia, but it's lack of cashier and overall looks not finished. To be honest, I really wish deralia get some small updates, because after all so many years, there is still no hatch/tunel to deraliasewers transmision! Really wish it got updated as well, I'm not really sure, but I believe adding hatch sprite/texture on floor somewhere around a map and adding transmision point to it won't be that so problematic. But let's back to topic about bank.

So can we please have a bank to storage in-game gold in next update by updating a deralia (or maybe make some other guys as well serve as banks), so we can finally can storage our gold and feel freedom of the soul to play the game more freely, openly, careless and less stressful?? If bank idea seems too good, I would suggest that storage the gold would cost you 300 gold, or even 3000 gold, or maybe 10k if you have too much of it. Maybe even 1% of your current gold to storage it in hanks (honestly, 1% sounds like too much, but still worth it, so I suggest it to see if it fit your submission). Not sure about adding inflation, but I really would like if my gold grow even bigger by like 0.1% each month (if not bigger) just by being storaged in bank. :p Though, I assume it would be a bit hard to code, and many would argue that gold is an stable currency that doesn't inflate. For the extracting the gold from bank, it shouldn't cost you much. I'm not sure if it would be possible to code to extract the exactly the desirable amount of gold, I certainly would like it more, but extracting all the gold at once is good as well.

But please, do not come up with pervertish ideas like make gold weight, we are trying to make game more fun, not even more dead and "realistic" just to give some reason to give the bank's idea a "penalty". There probably no video game ever where the gold actuality weight and/or slow you down, especially in RPG, and I'm quite sure that even without making gold weight, there still be a lot of people who would like to storage their millions of gold, because not everyone is lifelong tryhard who just cannot live without hardcore lifewasting challenge, and feel pleasure of getting punished like that like true masochist. Some of us sometimes even at level 40 and above like to play with PURE mage/wizard and use heavily underpowered/worthless spells in game and make the best out of them even not on so hard maps, and getting punished for it that hard is just no fun.

Really hope you do like this idea.

P.S. Sorry if my english was a bit troublematic. Afterall, you can always ask questions if you didn't understand or misunderstand something.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

Er... Well... The only place we have to save information, really, is your character.

The Galat bank, for instance, works by saving strings to your character. Just, not in the same memory space the game keeps the rest of your inventory.

If your character corrupts - so does your bank.

...the same would be true of any bank that stores gold.

So... Yeah.

Although, oddly enough, one of the few things the 5hp character wipe bug doesn't erase - is your gold. Wipes pretty much everything, including your bank, the exceptions being your name and gold - not that it'd be worth skipping a rollback to save your gold after such a disaster, which, unfortunately, like a lot of these games, gets pretty useless after a certain point.

...And there are games were gold weighs and slows you down or prevents you from moving when you over-encumber - but if you've played this game for any length of time, you probably realize by now that, for better or worse, we aren't the type to favor realism over fun. (Think the most annoying thing we do is close the shops after dark - not quite sure why we do that... But meh, predates my time here.)

Pyromaniac said:
To be honest, I really wish deralia get some small updates, because after all so many years, there is still no hatch/tunel to deraliasewers transmision!
Sadly, we've no source for Deralia - tis one of the few maps without one, so it'd have to be rebuilt from scratch. Edana is even more overdue for an overhaul, and we have a lot more plans for things to do to it, but it keeps getting back burnered. We do have a source for Edana though - even if it's not quite perfect. Meanwhile, talk to Deralia's Quartermaster, he'll get you into the sewers.


New Adventurer
Feb 23, 2008
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

Having an economic system in this game sounds cool


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
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Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

There's no point in saving gold if it has little to no use, right? Right?!?

Besides, if this was actually made into the game, i would easily see people exploiting it someway or another aswell... A new addition to the game brings a couple of undetected exploits along with it. Let's not forget the corruption issues that also pop up here and there, you would be like "Let me bank this 1M gold in my bank for safekeeping", the next day you would go back to your bank to deposit some more gold and be like "How dafuq do i have 0 gold in bank? Was i robbed?". I've had instances where i depositted items in the galat and they vanished or didnt show up in the chest at all. Gold would be no different no doubt, which means more rollbacks would be used long term. People would be like "Can has rollback? Bank ate my golds!"

So basically, it's a bad/useless idea right now. I would rather have an economy system that actually works. Selling all kinds of items (excluding a few of course) to make gold, having said items somehow save onto the map and incase nobody buys it before mapchange, then there would be a rare chance the sold items would reappear in random stores. Of course this system would also bring alot of exploits and glitches on its own, but it sounds more promising than banking useless gold.

Having unpowered items spawn in maps, and having to pay npcs to power them back to its original form would be a way of spending gold. Along with smithing(broken items, forge items into 1, smithing metal gear), alchemy (create potions/consumables by gathering things or buying supplies from store), crafting (using animal pelts to create leather armour and craft wood gear) and magecrafting (using spider silk and stuff of the likes to create mage robes, wood/smithing gear from crafting/smithing could be enchanted into mage gear such as staves). All of this would require ingredients found in maps or bought in stores, mixed with gold. It is not late to adopt a system of the kind, older items can remain as they are but future release could easily be added to something along these lines, making the game actually interesting and not 100% about grinding your ass off and then quit. Collecting items is getting too mainstream aswell, new releases are straight forward on those. Alot of people play the new maps untill new item drops or simply just quit when it doesn't drop after some runs.

^Something like this tied with a class system would be superb, but that's requesting too much already. Just imagining having specific roles master certain artisan skills while being crap at others. And later down the road have upgradeable artisan skills based on your preferences like blacksmithing vs divinesmithing, darkalchemy vs purealchemy, corruptcrafting vs holycrafting and darkmagecrafting vs whitemagecrafting. I'm dreaming too far ahead already! :oops:


New Adventurer
May 10, 2014
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

Thothie said:
Er... Well... The only place we have to save information, really, is your character.

The Galat bank, for instance, works by saving strings to your character. Just, not in the same memory space the game keeps the rest of your inventory.

If your character corrupts - so does your bank.

...the same would be true of any bank that stores gold.

So... Yeah.

Although, oddly enough, one of the few things the 5hp character wipe bug doesn't erase - is your gold. Wipes pretty much everything, including your bank, the exceptions being your name and gold - not that it'd be worth skipping a rollback to save your gold after such a disaster, which, unfortunately, like a lot of these games, gets pretty useless after a certain point.

...And there are games were gold weighs and slows you down or prevents you from moving when you over-encumber - but if you've played this game for any length of time, you probably realize by now that, for better or worse, we aren't the type to favor realism over fun. (Think the most annoying thing we do is close the shops after dark - not quite sure why we do that... But meh, predates my time here.)

Pyromaniac said:
To be honest, I really wish deralia get some small updates, because after all so many years, there is still no hatch/tunel to deraliasewers transmision!
Sadly, we've no source for Deralia - tis one of the few maps without one, so it'd have to be rebuilt from scratch. Edana is even more overdue for an overhaul, and we have a lot more plans for things to do to it, but it keeps getting back burnered. We do have a source for Edana though - even if it's not quite perfect. Meanwhile, talk to Deralia's Quartermaster, he'll get you into the sewers.

Oh damn, it's sad deralia source is lost, really would like to see that city being upgraded seeing how small it is and how a little houses you can enter... However, if the source is lost, how was that galat chest and guy that selling the galat chest scrolls was added then?? If it was added without the source, I assume it would be possible to add the guy who would storage your gold. Storage of gold would be REALLY be appreciated later in game when the usage of gold would be added, so you wouldn't just waste millions for attempting to play for fun, and when all market items get added, all suddenly start grind for gold a lot... For example, there many people suggested to sell existant crests in game of dead and not guilds for like 200-250k, 500k and million of gold, so the gold would actually have some usage, and crests would be used as an solid currency.

I kinda understand that it is hard to add this right, and some may say it's not so useful. However, losing hundreds of thousands of golds just because you were attempting to have fun of almost dead mod and pretend that you're pure mage, or that you're pure stealth/archer is really frustrating. Can we atleast have a function so when you max out in game, or atleast reach 45 levels (except spell casting), you will be completely immune from losing gold?? That would atleast have some reason to play this game for THIS long and actually level/grind for level ups.

Actually, I really would like if once you max out, you would unlock some "endgame" and/or explorer mode, where you just become careless explorer and just have fun of the game instead of being tryhard, maybe unlock some awesome dancing ability as well and what I saw in most mmorpg games, you get some kind of swirling colorful aura around you once you maxout. :p


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

PyroManiac said:
However, if the source is lost, how was that galat chest and guy that selling the galat chest scrolls was added then??
Through the magic of Ripent, we can add point entities.

Talkative Guy on Fire said:
However, losing hundreds of thousands of golds just because you were attempting to have fun
How did you lose hundreds of thousands of gold? Was it through character corruption? Cuz a bank wouldn't help with that - it would corrupt as well... And why didn't you ask for a rollback? Cuz that would.


New Adventurer
May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

Thothie said:
PyroManiac said:
However, if the source is lost, how was that galat chest and guy that selling the galat chest scrolls was added then??
Through the magic of Ripent, we can add point entities.

Talkative Guy on Fire said:
However, losing hundreds of thousands of golds just because you were attempting to have fun
How did you lose hundreds of thousands of gold? Was it through character corruption? Cuz a bank wouldn't help with that - it would corrupt as well... And why didn't you ask for a rollback? Cuz that would.

Because I die often when I try to play the game a fun way, like to pretend that I am sneaky snake, or pure mage that is unbearable underpowered in this game, or just rush for boss. 2-3 deaths is enough for losing a hundred of thousands of golds. Since you know, some of us have for like 6 million of golds and probably even much more with ourselves that has been saved since the beginning of MSC. :p


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

I know I've said this to you a few thousand times now, but if you're the type to go through Half-Life with just a crowbar, don't expect Valve to change the game to make it more viable for you.

At least get the AoB or some bravery potions... If you've had the time to pile up "millions" of gold, surely you've had time to grab those as well. Death tax is 1%, so even without that, if you're losing "hundreds of thousands" - you're either doing something horribly wrong, and/or have way too much gold to burn anyways.


New Adventurer
May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Re: Can we have a bank to storage gold in next update, pleas

Thothie said:
I know I've said this to you a few thousand times now, but if you're the type to go through Half-Life with just a crowbar, don't expect Valve to change the game to make it more viable for you.

At least get the AoB or some bravery potions... If you've had the time to pile up "millions" of gold, surely you've had time to grab those as well. Death tax is 1%, so even without that, if you're losing "hundreds of thousands" - you're either doing something horribly wrong, and/or have way too much gold to burn anyways.

I know I've replied to it already, but entire half-life 1 with crowbar only gameplay, even on hardest difficulty, is FAR more fair and balanced than the MSC in the stage it is now. Even playing as battlemage (half-mage half-warrior, and not just go on melee (and maybe archery) only as everyone do in MSC) on serious maps is far more unfair, unbalanced, hard, annoying (well, it is kind annoying to fight with single enemy for 20 minutes even with strongest spells, while it die in 20 seconds of any melee) and uncorrect than playing half-life even with crowbar only the whole time. MSC forces you to constantly W+M1 over and over and over and over (if you want to be any effective in this mod), which is merely getting at point blank to NPC with some OP weapon, touching each other genetals untill someone of you is fall, just to move to next enemy and repeat it over and over, and that is what I disagree most. This is why it's really unfair to lose exp if you simple want to have fun of game and do something else than just keep performing a pressure against your left mouse button untill the target is dead (or fine, constantly doing charge attacks, which means you must always looking at charge bar and just click over and over the left mouse button, which is far more annoying and boresome than simple hold left mouse button to death).

Please take a note that I said to give this function when you max out, which means there is no other reason to even play this game at all anyway, and neither you lose any exp when someone max out. Wearing an crappy, underpowered and ugly AoB all the time is just not fun. 1% of "death tax" is incredible a lot for most of high level and MSC veteran players. Even though there is like about 90% of entire MSC community that quit due the constant nerfs that disagree with, and might come back for a day or so to see what new has been added, there are still people who are loyal to MSC and would like to play it even after years, even if it gets even more unfairly balanced and nerfed most fun aspects of game. This is why I suggest something like "endgame" feature for those who maxed out, some do believe that there will be a time when gold finally become useful (or atleast you could buy guild's (ant not only) crests and so they become a solid currency), so there is NEVER "way too much gold to burn anyways" for them, so losing that much of gold is rather saddens them, this is why they rather quit MSC and only come back when the game gets updates and play their generic skinner box gameplay of MSC with grind and tryhard to grind.

To be honest, I have no idea why you would even suggest that I lose gold because of char corruption and I need a rollback, especially after I suggested and explained in details the "endgame" feature, this is not a rollback discussion section to begin with anyway.

EDIT: oh, and those overrated AoB armours doesn't even always work. :/ If you just join in game and there some enemy behind your back that you just possible could not see, after it kill you, you STILL lose gold and exp. It takes like 5 seconds for AoB to actually work, but sometimes due lag even after 5 sec it doesn't help much.