Balancing weapon level


New Adventurer
The Dragonknights
Jul 24, 2009
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There are allot of weapon in the game that i think should be rebalanced in what level they need to be used.
Notice these are my opinions.
I might edit with more later.

Increse level to use in red text
Decrese level to use in blue text

Torklath elemental bows (4 bows) (lvl 30) I think the level should be incresed to 33-35. reason this bow is damn strong and makes all other level 30 bows useless.

Infernal claws (lvl30) decrese level to use to lets say 25-27? atm there aint no reason to get these. Bear claws are just the king of martial arts. haveing same level for them is kinda silly when bear claws are easier to obtain. both of the weapons requires mana to use properly.

Venom claws/Greater venom claws (lvl 27 greater) decrese level!!! first of all this is a one time potion usage, secound they really do crap damage, third way to high level to use this kind of useless shit :(

Axe of Balance (level 25) Decrese level. This good looking axe is only good for being used for crafting. decrese the level to 15-20 so we can atleast se some players fighting with it.

Shadowfire blade (level 30) Decrese level. Sword is bad compared to other level 30 swords and it needs allot of stuff to craft. decrese to 25-28.

Ice typhoon (level 20) This polearm is totaly awesome and deserves a higher level to be used. increse level to 25-30? This would also give more space to the other polearms weapon like eleven glave, dragon lance.

Holy lance (level 25) Also a very nice polearm, increse level to 28-30? gives peopple bigger reason to do quest like the Golden axe. And also the fact that it's droped only on the wall. 25 polearms is so easy to obtain.

Pharaohs lance (level 30) Decrese level. Gotta say im dissapointed in this weapon, ice typhoon beats this anytime. decrese the level to 25?

Lance of affliction (level 35) Decrese or buff. Damn this sucks for being level 35, normal attack damage might be a little higher but the effects are just lame, low poison dmg. throw is just a joke, poison wave can atleast push mobs away for a sec but also sucks. I rather keep going on with my level 20 ice typhoon <3 Decrese level to 30


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
Funny how because the game is capped at lvl40 almost every 25+ weapon seems useful, we might aswell removed the whole leveling and leave skills, classes and other stuff.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Hakariaki said:
Torklath elemental bows (4 bows) (lvl 30) I think the level should be incresed to 33-35. reason this bow is damn strong and makes all other level 30 bows useless.

Yeeah... I suppose it's time to nerf these a little - probably overdid the previous boost a bit. I've had two mappers ask me "Can you give me a trigger to disable the Torkie bows?" - and I'm all "How would you even justify that?" So...

Hakariaki said:
Infernal claws (lvl30) decrese level to use to lets say 25-27? atm there aint no reason to get these. Bear claws are just the king of martial arts. haveing same level for them is kinda silly when bear claws are easier to obtain. both of the weapons requires mana to use properly.
I shall drop the requirement to 25.

Hakariaki said:
Venom claws/Greater venom claws (lvl 27 greater) decrese level!!! first of all this is a one time potion usage, secound they really do crap damage, third way to high level to use this kind of useless **** :(
I was kinda iffy on a level requirement for a potion to begin with... Although, to be sure, there is the risk that these would be dolled out to newbs like mad. I shall do two things: reduce the requirement to 15/20MA 10/20AF, and eliminate the time restriction (figuring, eventually, you'll need to cancel them to switch inventory.)

Hakariaki said:
Axe of Balance (level 25) Decrese level. This good looking axe is only good for being used for crafting. decrese the level to 15-20 so we can atleast se some players fighting with it.
I shall reduce the requirement to 18.

Hakariaki said:
Shadowfire blade (level 30) Decrese level. Sword is bad compared to other level 30 swords and it needs allot of stuff to craft. decrese to 25-28.
I shall reduce the requirement to 25. I shall also slightly increase the melee damage, and fire DOT.

Hakariaki said:
Ice typhoon (level 20) This polearm is totaly awesome and deserves a higher level to be used. increse level to 25-30? This would also give more space to the other polearms weapon like eleven glave, dragon lance.
Yeah, this was always a bit nastier than intended, even after we fixed the infini freeze bug. I shall increase the level req to 25.

Hakariaki said:
Holy lance (level 25) Also a very nice polearm, increse level to 28-30? gives peopple bigger reason to do quest like the Golden axe. And also the fact that it's droped only on the wall. 25 polearms is so easy to obtain.
I shall increase the level req to 30.

Hakariaki said:
Pharaohs lance (level 30) Decrese level. Gotta say im dissapointed in this weapon, ice typhoon beats this anytime. decrese the level to 25?

Hrmm... Part of the problem with this sucker is it does Lightning damage - and both undead and sorcs are resistant to lightning (sometimes immune, in the sorc's case), and at the higher levels, those are among the most common targets. The upcoming DOT changes might make it more useful... But I'll lower the requirement to 25, and increase the DOT, and melee damage anyways.

Hakariaki said:
Lance of affliction (level 35) Decrese or buff. Damn this sucks for being level 35, normal attack damage might be a little higher but the effects are just lame, low poison dmg. throw is just a joke, poison wave can atleast push mobs away for a sec but also sucks. I rather keep going on with my level 20 ice typhoon <3 Decrese level to 30

Keep having to boost this puppy... I've increased the AOE and throw range of the projectiles about 50% each, and increased the melee damage to boot. I'll also reduce the requirement to 30. (Just hopefully don't get some foo b*ching 'why r thar no level 35 polearms!?') I'll also switch the melee DOT from poison to acid. (edit: Actually, make the throw range +25% - much more than that, and it makes it too hard to land the projectile upright enough to do its spin thing.)

I should probably also move the poison burst to a right click with cool down, but that'd take me a bit of time. Don't want to delay the patch anymore than need be - but seeing as how I still don't have rehab's map, I may yet get a chance.


FER said:
Funny how because the game is capped at lvl40 almost every 25+ weapon seems useful, we might aswell removed the whole leveling and leave skills, classes and other stuff.
Eh... If your level cap is 45, of course your more useful stuff is going to start showing up at 25-30. The item level cap is always 10 levels below the actual level cap (35), but it is true, there are some useful items that show up even before 25, without having decayed by the time you reach 35.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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I already mentioned these in the past, or some of them... Kinda good to hear that i'm not the only one that thought the samething about some items.

So are you actually going to fit torkbows into the lvl 35 tier items? Yeah it's sad to see alot of lower lvls join up with higher lvl players, they bring out torkbow and try to beat us in damage points, eventually happens unless we do the samething. Kinda annoyed as people force me to use torkbow all the time when new stuff comes. >_>

Not only that but phoenix bow is also useless since its also lvl 30...

Thothie said:
Just hopefully don't get some foo b*ching 'why r thar no level 35 polearms!?'

Why are there no lvl 35 polearms? :roll:

Hey, if it gets lowered, wouldn't it mean that later on there might be a chance of getting a new lvl 35 polearm?
I'm fine with that actually, more weapons to use, yay. :wink:


New Adventurer
The Dragonknights
Aug 12, 2010
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zeus9860 said:
So are you actually going to fit torkbows into the lvl 35 tier items? Yeah it's sad to see alot of lower lvls join up with higher lvl players, they bring out torkbow and try to beat us in damage points, eventually happens unless we do the samething. Kinda annoyed as people force me to use torkbow all the time when new stuff comes. >_>

Think it's my turn to shine <.<

Just kidding, i quit the archery for a bit after reaching already past 36 Arch and boosting myself up with the other skills ;)


The True Followers of the Lost
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Mar 6, 2010
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Keep all item levels how you just stated Thothie, except... for a level 35 polearm...



Feb 24, 2010
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Hakariaki said:
Infernal claws (lvl30) decrese level to use to lets say 25-27? atm there aint no reason to get these. Bear claws are just the king of martial arts. haveing same level for them is kinda silly when bear claws are easier to obtain. both of the weapons requires mana to use properly.
thothie said:
I shall drop the requirement to 25. and change a bunch of other shit
Wehn will this take effect??


Shadows of Torkalath
Alpha Tester
Feb 16, 2010
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OpsMiller said:
Hakariaki said:
Infernal claws (lvl30) decrese level to use to lets say 25-27? atm there aint no reason to get these. Bear claws are just the king of martial arts. haveing same level for them is kinda silly when bear claws are easier to obtain. both of the weapons requires mana to use properly.
thothie said:
I shall drop the requirement to 25. and change a bunch of other ****
Wehn will this take effect??

Next patch.