Dwarves still not patched out?


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Apr 8, 2005
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Well, removing dwarves and fixing old cleicert, and any other map that might be prone to crashes.. This is what I mean as far as stability goes. I think these can be achieved, right?
Cleicert could be stable under the current engine, at least as much as any other map (more than many, really, being relatively small and not involving much mob variety), it should again be so on the official servers now. Player dwarves shouldn't be affecting stability much, save maybe a tad, when there's one actually in the game, and the extra precache.

Though, again with the stubbornness, if you're suggesting migrating "NOV2015b" to Svencoop, wouldn't get us the real test we need.


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
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I mean fixing major issues before you decide to move onto something grandiose and potentially impossible.

Maybe I'm just perceiving them as something worse than they are... I think many would agree with me, though.


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Apr 8, 2005
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I mean fixing major issues before you decide to move onto something grandiose and potentially impossible.
(Looks at your alpha tester tag.) You, do realize the issues you list are fixed, yes? ;) As for the other major issues, think we've fixed all we can. Down to minor bugs, companion rework, my stubborn insistence that the lore system be up next patch, and some map related things which might be quick, depending on the route.


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
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Yes, but they aren't in game yet, and the Alpha has been out for quite a long time now.... Which is more to my point.

Either way thanks for responding to this thread, I appreciate it.


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Apr 8, 2005
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There'll be one last patch under this engine after "NOV2015b" that will hopefully end with "2020", built from the current alpha plus fixes. Then, as we itemize the "new and more interesting bugs" found under that patch, we'll be working under Svencoop from then on out (also hopefully), thus the subsequent patch (hopefully also 2020) will be a Svencoop migration.

I originally said patch after next would be Svencoop, but then we swerved to this "NOV2015b" idear, which I'm still working on - but at least I've finally learned why developers so rarely put dates in their version tags.


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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Even easier to deny that what it so often amounts to.
And easier still to hide behind real whining as an excuse to ignore valid complaints

(Though I believe it neglects to mention that "rewrite the game from scratch" or otherwise demanding the impossible is not a real suggestion.)
That wasn't a suggestion, it was a criticism designed to explain how we got into this mess that we can't dig our way out of.

You don't need to redo the game from scratch though, you just need to make the current mid-late game obsolete by flooding the game with lots of new content that draws out the early and mid game sections in a more logically paced way, and then it won't matter if you go back and nerf stuff to fix the power creep, because there will be plenty of new, easier content for the nerfed playerbase to adventure through. All existing high level maps can stay the way they are and just become maps that nobody wants to play anymore (not that anybody ever wanted to play the end game garbage in the first place, it's just all there is to do now).

However any time somebody takes a step in this direction and tries to make the badly designed parts of this game obsolete by flooding it with new content, you intervene because "core game mechanics" are being "changed", which is a stubborn thing to do when most complaints about this game nowadays are about how these "core mechanics" have made the game unfun and frustrating.

You use circular reasoning to deal with criticism regarding what you consider to be "core game mechanics". If somebody complains that something about the game is irritating or unfun, you respond by saying "that's working as intended". So basically, whenever somebody says an aspect of the game sucks, you say "it's supposed to suck" or "other mmo's that suck use a formula and because MSC is also an online game, we have to copy that formula, even if it sucks."

That's why people think you are stubborn. You cannot let go of formulas and conventions that are common in AAA game development, even though the MSC playbase is clearly not interested in playing a AAA game. If we were, we wouldn't be playing a 20 year old half-life mod, so it's senseless and stubborn to cling to the same formulas that drive this very playerbase away from those types of games.
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Apr 8, 2005
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And you could go on for another 50 pages like that without giving anyone a single real suggestion. Just vaguely complaining about the nature game or myself for hours - not helping. But yes, it does makes it much harder to pick out actual suggestions.

I've got a lot of fundamental complaints about the game myself, that I either can't address, or won't, because, yeah, sometimes the end result would be it wouldn't be the same sort of game anymore. Not that your old suggestion of more quests hasn't been overboiling on the backburner for years, or we haven't been planning on spreading the treasure more evenly among the maps for nearly as long via a global chest rebuild.


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Apr 8, 2005
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I have the original image, but it's still too small, so it's just a rescale of that plus a filter or two. (Albeit I've been Photoshopping since it was v1.0 and Mac only, but this doesn't exactly require skills, and I think it was done awhile go, under CS5).


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Apr 8, 2005
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You don't need to redo the game from scratch though, you just need to make the current mid-late game obsolete by flooding the game with lots of new content that draws out the early and mid game sections in a more logically paced way, and then it won't matter if you go back and nerf stuff to fix the power creep, because there will be plenty of new, easier content for the nerfed playerbase to adventure through. All existing high level maps can stay the way they are and just become maps that nobody wants to play anymore (not that anybody ever wanted to play the end game garbage in the first place, it's just all there is to do now).
*sigh* Did I mention this makes it harder to pick out actual suggestions?

This is a bit vague though. Like I said, more quests, redistributing treasure globally, for a smoother staircase, on the backburner for ages. The rest requires either majorly altering existing maps, or waiting for mappers to make new ones. It's also pretty darn close to suggesting redoing the world from scratch - but we can trickle in adjustments over time, as we always have, and new middle-low items are at least as common as high ones. Does help that some folks are finally starting to consider allowing actual nerfs though - gave up hope for that years ago.

edit: I shouldn't bring it up, as it should be obvious, and it might lead to another 50 page rant, but no effort has ever been made to make MSC a "AAA game" - well, save maybe some efforts before I got here, to recreate Morrowind. (Though I suppose I did borrow the dynamic spawn mechanic you've been using for Left4Dead, among a few other things.)

(Pure vitriolic rage, however, is a good way to delay development.)


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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*sigh* Did I mention this makes it harder to pick out actual suggestions?
What does this even mean? What I said was clearly a suggestion so I have no clue what you mean by an "actual" suggestion. What does the word "actual" mean in the context of giving a suggestion?

Don't try to say that it's not a "realistic" suggestion because it requires people to make a bunch of maps when I already made a bunch of maps that you rejected simply because too many of them aren't your cup of tea and the game would turn into a "different game" if there are too many maps that aren't your cup of tea.

The fact that you just flippantly shoot down every suggestion you get as "not a real suggestion" shows that there is only one person to blame for the shitshow that MSC has become.

This is a bit vague though.
The only thing that is vague about it is that there's a lot of different options for how you could nerf the game after creating a large amount of mid level maps. There's nothing "vague" about the suggestion to fill out the game with more mid level maps.

Like I said, more quests, redistributing treasure globally, for a smoother staircase, on the backburner for ages.
Why has this always been on the backburner and not the frontburner?

It's also pretty darn close to suggesting redong the world from scratch
What world? You mean the world where Nashalrath is inside the waterfall outside of Deralias gates? The world where there's a swamp with mummies just outside of Deralia? The "world" where 90% of it is completely disconnected and unrelated to anything else in the game or even lore?

We don't have a "world" anymore, we have a kitchen sink with random pots and pans thrown in. The only coherent aspects of our "world" was built long before you took over and encouraged the "kitchen sink" approach by treating every map as it's own stand-alone loot pinata. You've never once put any thought into the "adventuring" aspect of this game and now it's become a "hack'n'slash" instead of the adventure game it started out as.

And you clearly don't even care. You want this to be a hack'n'slash game because that's easier for you to test and apply simple formulas to. Any time somebody comes up with a way to fix the hack'n'slash nature of the game and turn it BACK into an adventure game, you say shit like this:
sometimes the end result would be it wouldn't be the same sort of game anymore.
Newsflash: The game is already not "the same sort of game anymore" because it used to be an adventure game before you turned it into a hack'n'slash.

The rest requires either majorly altering existing maps
You have weird reading comprehension. The suggestion clearly says you can leave all the existing maps the way they are. You just need to create a crapload of new maps to fill out the neglected parts of this game (400-800hp-ish in my estimation) and then nerf things so that players cannot just skip all of this new content.

but we can trickle in adjustments over time, as we always have.
Well you haven't done a very good job of that, with the power creep being the way it is now.
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Apr 8, 2005
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Why has this always been on the backburner and not the frontburner?
Because when I have to answer rants like these, I don't have time for epic tasks. (Not that we really could on this engine anymore, as we'd need a centralized treasure system.)

Come back when you've calmed enough to do something other than rant about how I've ruined the game by adding more maps, and blame me for the nature of maps donated by other people.

Rants don't help.


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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Because when I have to answer rants like these, I don't have time for epic tasks.
Ah, yeah, that's it. You've just been responding to rants the past 15 years so you havent had time to do anything but implement a lazy "kitchen sink" policy that turned the game into a hack'n'slash. Good to know it's always somebody elses fault.

Rants don't help.
This should help so i'll say it again:

Newsflash: The game is already not "the same sort of game anymore" because it used to be an adventure game before you turned it into a hack'n'slash.

The fact that it doesn't help says a lot.


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Apr 8, 2005
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The game has always been quite hacky and slashy, the world was just smaller, doing the same thing over and over again on dozen or so maps for two years to reach max level, with a tenth of the available quest lines - and you can guess who added all the others. Already repeatedly stated I'd like it to be less so, but I work with what I get. Again, not a suggestion, just ranting. And no, it doesn't help - even if it were true, it wouldn't help. Don't even think it's making you feel any better.


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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The game has always been quite hacky and slashy, the world was just smaller
This is why you are stubborn. You say things that are obviously not true. The early game is not and never has been hack'n'slash. Everyone will agree that it was an exploration oriented adventure game. Anything you do that deviates from that framework turns the game into a different type game, which is unacceptable for a nostalgia game.

Come back when you've calmed
If you want people to not rant at you, then you shouldn't respond to their well intentioned suggestions by saying "lolz you didnt even suggest anything at all stfu". You are so flippantly dismissive of other people. It's disgustingly rude and one of the main reasons why many people do, in fact, hate you.


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Apr 8, 2005
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This is why you are stubborn. You say things that are obviously not true. The early game is not and never has been hack'n'slash. Everyone will agree that it was an exploration oriented adventure game. Anything you do that deviates from that framework turns the game into a different type game, which is unacceptable for a nostalgia game.
The only quest lines that existed before I got here were in Edana. Olof's quest didn't work, nor did Darrelino's, so that was it. All you could do outside of Edana, and that one book in Thornlands you returned to it, was grind monsters.

If you want people to not rant at you, then you shouldn't respond to their well intentioned suggestions by saying "lolz you didnt even suggest anything at all stfu". You are so flippantly dismissive of other people. It's disgustingly rude and one of the main reasons why many people do, in fact, hate you.
I don't normally - but you've thoroughly demonstrated a pattern, and most of the time, it's just a straight up attack on me, that has nothing to do with anything I've done, so I've come to the conclusion it isn't about the game at all. It's been eating into development time no end for years. Please read Red Cell's post, and if you find yourself writing twenty paragraphs to say something you could say in once sentence, write that one sentence.

MS:C community

Old Skool Apostle
Alpha Tester
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
and blame me for the nature of maps donated by other people.
(date of image: September 19, 2011)

Well, if yer accusing him of being so flustered with me he'd troll the forums...
I wasn't accusing BerntA of being 'flustered' with you, Dridje was (more or less). Then again, Dridje has been full of shit lately.

Speaking of Dridje: Cleicert. I've known about the Cleicert fix for years now (and no, "we" didn't try that before). In fact, I've known about the ms_dynamicnpc CVAR ever since Gurluas passed me the login info to the MS v1.4 developer FTP. I never bothered posting it before because I don't care about Cleicert. At all.

...and neither do you.

Horror eggs crashing Cleicert/ms_wicardoven (cannot reproduce)*
Cannot reproduce? Note: we're talking about Cleicert here. Not Wicard Oven.
Can reproduce. Easily. With a 100% success rate.

You claim 90% of all suggestions come from the community. Then how come it took, and still takes, so long to listen to stuff like this:
"Remove the Elder Horrors from Lodagond-4; their poison clouds crash the server."
...and this...
"Remove the Ethereal Vermicular from Cleicert. It crashes the server."

These 'it doesn't happen on my end' responses aren't really going to solve the problem.

Even easier to deny that is what it so often amounts to. Red Cell made a nice post explaining the difference once. (Though I believe it neglects to mention that "rewrite the game from scratch" or otherwise demanding the impossible is not a real suggestion. Albeit, such complains might serve a real purpose in the MSS/MSU sections.)
And I made a nice post explaining the status of MS:S once. You're not fooling anybody. That collection of (mostly) frighteningly amateuristic Source maps isn't a mod, nor will it ever be. Condeming Oyster's suggestions (yes, he made suggestions) to a dead mod is the easy way out, yet again.
If you want to talk about Source RPGs: BerntA achieved more by himself than about a dozen of MS:S 'devs' did, and it only took him 1/4 of the time.
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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Fine, you want to do this, I guess this all we're getting done for MSC today... Do you think I added the mummy tomb to Deralia Sewers? No. But do you really think a sewer leading to an abandoned crypt is some revolutionary subversion of expectations in this genre? Sure, the egyptian motif and mummies have always been odd, but the first was here before I got here (with hieroglyphics in half the tombs), and the second was due to a mapper donating models and making the request, and another mapper who decided he wanted to roll with the idea. I don't clamp down on quality control much, true, but that's part of why we have as many maps and as many options and features as we do. Not that, of all things we've added, it ever felt like a real problem to me.

As for the hidden map in Daragoth leading to an extremely dangerous dungeon, with a big (VERY HARD) in its description as you hit the transition - that's not exactly unusual either, having a hidden high level dungeon entrance in a lower level area, nevermind the level difference between Bloodrose and the underworld.

The game's always been of hodge podge with materials from many different sources (Svencoop, opposing forces, things from various other mods and random donations well before I arrived). As it grows, it'll become even more a hodge podge. Yes, sometimes I've pushed that into places I probably shouldn't have, mostly to keep up with the difficulty of the maps we got in, but for the most part, it's just more of the same.

And if you really want the original MSC experience - just stick to the first eleven maps and don't take any items from other players. There, you have it. Everything else is an expansion of that.


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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The only quest lines that existed before I got here were in Edana. Olof's quest didn't work, nor did Darrelino's, so that was it. All you could do outside of Edana, and that one book in Thornlands you returned to it, was grind monsters.
1) I'm not talking about quests, i'm talking about "adventure" style gameplay, which quests are only an example of.

2) So you are telling me back when there was less than ten maps there were a handful of quests in edana and 2 bigger quests that were broken? What was the ratio of quests to maps back then? It would have been something like 3-5 quests for ten maps. What's the ratio of maps to quests now? 10:100+ maybe?

Thank you for proving my point.

I don't normally - but you've thoroughly demonstrated a pattern, and most of the time, it's just a straight up attack on me
Yes you do normally do this. The frostbow thread proved that pretty clearly. You've done this for years and I've just finally boiled over. I can no longer take your cleverly worded dismissals and excuses because you're actually the one wasting my time when you do that.

that has nothing to do with anything I've done

View attachment 6218
(date of image: September 19, 2011)

if you find yourself writing twenty paragraphs to say something you could say in once sentence, write that one sentence.
Normally I agree with this train of logic but not with you. I DID say it in a single sentence. See:

Newsflash: The game is already not "the same sort of game anymore" because it used to be an adventure game before you turned it into a hack'n'slash.

...and then you just turned around and said it's always been hack'n'slash which is a complete falsehood, which of course requires a more detailed response showing how what was said is, indeed true. You are bringing these rants on yourself.


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Apr 8, 2005
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View attachment 6218
(date of image: September 19, 2011)
He labeled goblin camp, goblin camp, orc camp, orc fortress, boss, and brought up the self adjusting idea.

He did not request the lightning shamans and goblin pouncers specifically, if that's what he's on about. Otherwise, that map is as requested. Just used the newest scripts I'd worked up, so it wasn't just the same old goblins. He had it in his hands for two months before it ended up in the game, and I checked with him again if he was good before we launched it. So if he had a complaint, he had plenty of time, and didn't tell me.

Speaking of Dridje: Cleicert. I've known about the Cleicert fix for years now (and no, "we" didn't try that before). In fact, I've known about the ms_dynamicnpc CVAR ever since Gurluas passed me the login info to the MS v1.4 developer FTP. I never bothered posting it before because I don't give a damn about Cleicert. At all.

...and neither do you.

Cannot reproduce? Note: we're talking about Cleicert here. Not Wicard Oven.
Can reproduce. Easily. With a 100% success rate.
Yes, we were literally running the RKS servers for months that way, they just lost it in migration, and we forgot it about it after that. No I couldn't reproduce it before then, because the developer server had extra precaches, and even on the official servers, sometimes the precache would roll over from other maps, so it was not consistent depending on which maps were played, and people were somehow regularly completing the map, causing further confusion.

Also I've long thought I was the only one who really liked that map, and am already missing the old pale motiff.

You claim 90% of all suggestions come from the community. Then how come it took, and still takes, so long to listen to stuff like this:
"Remove the Elder Horrors from Lodagond-4; their poison clouds crash the server."
...and this...
"Remove the Ethereal Vermicular from Cleicert. He crashes the server."

These 'it doesn't happen on my end' responses aren't really going to solve the problem.
On the task list for ages. I said 90% of the changes in the game have been the result of community suggestions, not that we got to all of them immediately. The above caused some puzzlement (and wasted time) trying to figure out what it was. So when I asked Crow what to replace them with, he suggested he wanted to beef up the map and have something only vulnerable to holy damage. So I suggested Shadowforms, he loved them, and they did the job.

And I made a nice post explaining the status of MSS once. You're not fooling anybody. That collection of (mostly) frighteningly amateuristic Source maps isn't a mod, nor will it ever be. Condeming Oyster's suggestions (yes, he made suggestions) to a dead mod is the easy way out, yet again.
If you want to talk Source RPG: BerntA achieved more by himself than about a dozen of MS:S 'devs' did, and it only took him 1/4 of the time.
Oh, so now I'm to blame for MSS too? Despite having never lead it or mapped for it (which was mostly Rickler), I see. I guess it's my fault MSU's alpha isn't out too. Possibly also Half-Life 3.

Did they ever claim it was a mod? No, it's a "map demo showcase", as labeled, and as it shows up in the game list when installed. All I did was assemble it for them and make a vid.

More rants please, this is all we really need around here. Screw the game, this is more fun.

Is it helping? Is it making you feel better? Is the game better yet?


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Do you think I added the mummy tomb to Deralia Sewers? No. But do you really think a sewer leading to an abandoned crypt is some revolutionary subversion of expectations in this genre?
Not sure if you're talking to me or MSC:Community but who did put the mummy tomb there? I know it wasn't dridje. I know the swamp and crypt were taken from an ancient "Joe" map fragment, so I have always assumed it was you who put it there.

A sewer leading to a crypt isn't necessarily out of place, but it's out place aesthetically near Deralia. If this were an ancient sewer in Aluhandra and you wound up in a crypt full of mummies, that'd be different (still annoying AF to have to deal with mummies, but it wouldn't be aesthetically out of place) but it's so out of place with the medieval european aesthetic of the Daragoth/Deralia regions. If it had been a crypt full of skeletons, the only complaint would have been how ugly and random the swamp was, and how the map has linear hack'n'slash gameplay instead of the adventure-style gameplay that dridje was imagining before he lost interest in it and sent it to you to finish.

As for the hidden map in Daragoth leading to an extremely dangerous dungeon, with a big (VERY HARD) in its description as you hit the transition - that's not exactly unusual either, having a hidden high level dungeon entrance in a lower level area, nevermind the level difference between Bloodrose and the underworld.
It's the aesthetic that's the issue, not the level range. It just doesn't FIT there. Why is the most epic dragon in the game hiding in some weird epic lair full of dragonoids below deralia? It was clearly just put there because an open transition was there. No thought was put into WHY it should go there.

inb4 you say that suggesting you take aesthetics into account isn't a "real" suggestion.

And if you really want the original MSC experience - just stick to the first eleven maps and don't take any items from other players. There, you have it. Everything else is an expansion of that.
That would be totally fine if maps that try to follow in those footsteps weren't being either blocked outright (underworld series) or totally ruined (srgnt rehabs above quote regarding orc_for being a prime example, Deralia sewers being turned into a hack'n'slash is another example).

I've repeatedly made the same argument regarding my own maps, by the way - if someone doesn't like the experience intended for those 6 maps, they are free to stick to the other 100+ maps in this game. My maps are just an expansion.

So if he had a complaint, he had plenty of time, and didn't tell me.
People are too nice and they take what they can get usually. Someone who has made only one or two MSC maps doesn't have enough experience dealing with you to realize that they need to be very pushy to get their maps functioning anywhere close to the way they imagined them. And so this is the result.

Is it helping? Is it making you feel better? Is the game better yet?
If some of our suggestions get taken seriously then this game will feel better to play.
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Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Not sure if you're talking to me or JM but who did put the mummy tomb there? I know it wasn't dridje. I know the swamp and crypt were taken from an ancient "Joe" map fragment, so I have always assumed it was you who put it there.

A sewer leading to a crypt isn't necessarily out of place, but it's out place aesthetically near Deralia. If this were an ancient sewer in Aluhandra and you wound up in a crypt full of mummies, that'd be different (still annoying AF to have to deal with mummies, but it wouldn't be aesthetically out of place) but it's so out of place with the medieval european aesthetic of the Daragoth/Deralia regions. If it had been a crypt full of skeletons, the only complaint would have been how ugly and random the swamp was, and how the map has linear hack'n'slash gameplay instead of the adventure-style gameplay that dridje was imagining before he lost interest in it and sent it to you to finish.
IIRC Dridge attached the fragment, as it was too small a map to use otherwise - though Shuriken had something to do with the actual population - think just the swamp mobs though... Sewer leading to swamp is fairly standard fair though, same with abandoned crypt, simple enough to assume the forest around it is impenetrable. I mean, it'd be kinda nice if there was more traveling involved, but it provides more variety in what little space the engine allows us. Only thing I recall populating was some of the lower bits - which I believe MIB provided a new slime for.

I know you'd like to involve a dozen transitions to present the illusion of distance, but the game does not handle that well, in addition to the fact that there isn't enough map to spread.

It's the aesthetic that's the issue, not the level range. It just doesn't FIT there. Why is the most epic dragon in the game hiding in some weird epic lair full of dragonoids below deralia? It was clearly just put there because an open transition was there. No thought was put into WHY it should go there.
Seems he hasn't actually been there for quite some time, but as his image explained, he had been experimenting with Khazorant's efforts - the assumpsion was that it was a lost Loreldian ruin. As to why it ended up connected there, it's because that's where LittleFrodo suggested, and it was hidden. Considered putting an HP barrier on it, but if you want "adventure", I suppose finding a dungeon beyond all hope for you to defeat because you didn't read the warning on the front door, and had to nope out in fear, is one way. (Not the way I'd prefer, mind you, but alas, also not unusual.)

Now, if you wanted to make a suggestion - rather than a rant, you'd suggest another place to put the thing.

Granted, we didn't have the hidden Sfor water tunnel transition at the time, but that is another thought.

That would be totally fine if maps that try to follow in those footsteps weren't being either blocked outright (underworld series) or totally ruined (srgnt rehabs above quote regarding orc_for being a prime example, Deralia sewers being turned into a hack'n'slash is another example).

I've repeatedly made the same argument regarding my own maps, by the way - if someone doesn't like the experience intended for those 6 maps, they are free to stick to the other 100+ maps in this game. My maps are just an expansion.
No one's blocking your maps, but they have to function in a way that won't result in my having to roll back a dozen characters a week. If you refuse to let that happen, just because you want the votemap system that's been around in one form or another since before 2005 gone, then you're the one blocking the maps. I've offered you solutions, I thought we came to a compromise, but apparently we need to iron out details - and I'm currently prioritizing other things (like "NOV2015b") since I know it'll just be another novel of rants in my inbox before we get it done.

But yes, every map is just an expansion. If we're lucky, it tells a story, and expands the story, but that takes time, and usually, I just get maps full of mobs.

People are too nice and they take what they can get usually. Someone who has made only one or two MSC maps doesn't have enough experience dealing with you to realize that they need to be very pushy to get their maps functioning anywhere close to the way they imagined them. And so this is the result.
Eh, while I've never had to pull teeth with another mapper quite as much as I have with you, this is simply not the case... But if I give the mapper two months to tell me if something is wrong with his map, as him ask again just prior to release, and he says it's fine, what would you suggest I do?

If some of our suggestions get taken seriously then this game will feel better to play.
Then, again, provide suggestions, instead of rants.

MS:C community

Old Skool Apostle
Alpha Tester
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Oh, so now I'm to blame for MSS too? Despite having never lead it or mapped for it (which was mostly Rickler), I see. I guess it's my fault MSU's alpha isn't out too. Possibly also Half-Life 3.

Did they ever claim it was a mod? No, it's a "map demo showcase", as labeled, and as it shows up in the game list when installed. All I did was assemble it for them and make a vid.

More rants please, this is all we really need around here. Screw the game, this is more fun.

Is it helping? Is it making you feel better? Is the game better yet?
No, I'm not blaming you for MS:S and/or MS:U. I'm just saying it's really cheap to discard Oyster's suggestions by saying "they might help MS:S", when we both know MS:S will never be a thing (same goes for MS:U).

Also, don't you dare start with the 'blame game'. About two years ago, I gave Oyster the full undercliffs chest spawn info and he passed it to you (to confront you with lower than factual spawn chances which you listed in the boards).

Of course you INSTANTLY blamed me for this latest "hack". As the whole world knows by now, it was Dr. Drew. He gave the info to me and I was stupid enough to pass it to Oyster. I should've kept my mouth shut, obviously. But the fact that you thought the Big Bad J-M was once again responsible really speaks volumes. I get blamed for "hacks" and other complete nonsense all the time, even when I'm not even playing the mod. I've grown used to it though and, occasionally, I'll gladly take the blame for stuff I never did, so that other people can escape your ire and, possibly, malicious [FN] character edits / additions.

And I haven't even mentioned the part where you blamed an entire guild for "anti-dev crusades", to the point where you fucked up a crest (DeV TiMe LoSt).

So really, take your "Boo hoo I'm being blamed for [X]." tripe elsewhere.

Edit: And yes, I know the patching of this SUPPOSED "hack" (as discovered by Dr. Drew) ate up a lot of dev time, but I reiterate that I was in no way responsible. I have no clue what Drew did, or how, and to this very day he outright refuses to tell me.
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Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well a new game is the only hope for a game from scratch, which again, is why it's not a real suggestion. If you put half the effort into one of those games that you put into ranting about this one, hell, MSS would have been launched while Brian4 was still on it.

But yes, rants like these do drive folks way as do direct attacks on developers (and you attacked developers other than me). You were voted out for a reason, and I was the only one of the eleven people on the team at the time who voted otherwise, because sometimes you use your powers of tenacity for good. Yes, when you spread exploits, we have to fix them. No I didn't blame you for the code leak, I already knew Dr. Drew had been - doing stuff - back then, and was already in the process of working up a solution with Solokiller. Which, yes, did delay development time, immensely, like most of your rants, spreading of exploits, and telling everyone not to talk to the developers about exploits, because you wanted "revenge" against us for "nerfing" things, even before you were removed.

So really, take your "Boo hoo I'm being blamed for [X]." shit elsewhere.
I apologize, I misunderstood, it sounded like you were literally blaming me for that - in addition to making it sound like it was sold as a mod. (Albeit, I believe there's a joke in the title thread, but the thread makes it quite clear, it's just a map showcase, not a game.)