Now, there is something to be said for the serotonin boost that comes with gambling, but the same can be said of successful strategizing,
The question at hand is whether or not to remove damage variance from players and monsters. It might seem a bit boring to have the same attack do the same damage every time, but it does provide a certain consistency - you know exactly how many hits you can take from an enemy, and, with some experimentation, exactly how many hits are required to take the enemy down at your current skill level with your current weapon. Also makes balancing spread sheets quite a bit more reliable.
Player damage is always going to be a bit varied due to weapon charging and skill, though traditionally, martial arts were the only weapon line to be absolutely consistent in this regard.
Disadvantage is that weapon lines would start to seem much less unique, though the hope is having the Title, Race, and Faction systems in from the ground level would create quite a bit more specialization to mitigate that effect.
Common complaint we have received is that the damage range of some attacks, in both directions, is too varied. Third option is to put a cap on it, maybe max out at +/-50% or +/-25%.