The Mastersword Edda


New Adventurer
Feb 7, 2006
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Bay Area, Calif
Episode One:
"No! It can't be! Not yet! It hasn't been long enough since the last time Torkalath tried to slay Felewyn! NOO!"
Sembelbin clambered up from his restless sleep, slick with the cool dew from the night. It was only then that he realized that he was in the small steppe of farmland belonging to the Old Man outside the beautiful town of Edana, protectorate of the Temple of Urdual.
"Get out of my farmlands, unless you plan on taking care of my boar problem!" hollered the Old Man as Sembelbin sheepishly walked out of his house. "Sorry about that, you have to understand that Urdual is desperately trying to show me something, but I, I'm afraid I don’t know quite what."
"Seems like he's trying to tell you to take care of my boars; either that or to go find someone who can."
"Hmm... someone who can..."

Over the next few months, Sembelbin had nary a night which wasn't restless, many of them ending up in strange places. One night he found himself not five feet from a stray ferocious boar in the middle of the thornlands. Fearful for his life, Sembelbin cried out to the god of balance, praying for protection from the fearsome beast that could easily slay him at a whim. "My levels are in magic, magic devoted to you, oh balanced Urdual. I have little hitpoints due to my fervent training for you. May your justice be served in my favor!"
As he made his way back to the Temple of Urdual, Sembelbin decided to stop in town for some supplies. His usual first stop was Hartold's place. "Hail, Hartold" bellowed Sembelbin as he walked in the door.
*Yawn* "Hail Sembelbin, how be the temple these days?"
"As finely balanced as an high elven blade, and as powerful as Graznux-Oc's mighty weapon."
"Aye, king of the orcish throne’s mighty weapon.”
"Ah, yes. That is quite an assumption, calling it powerful"
“You’re assuming he can hit something with it, ha!”
"True true, those barbaric orcs never did clued in to the wonders of us wizards, have they?"
"Actually, there are rumors from the northern dwarves of orcs so cold that their skin has turned blue, and they stay inside so long they've developed arcane magics."
"Interesting... I wonder, if these rumors are true, if they possess some unknown spell we have yet not seen."
"Couldn't tell yah, rumors are rumors, eh? Nary a level 10 runs this side of Helena anymore, not since the last war betwixt the gods anyway."
"Aye, our old creaking bones tell us we know too much."
"Aye - so what can I do ye for Sembelbin?"
"Oh, yes. Actually, I had a question for you. Uhh, Hartold, how's your sleeping habits lately?"
"I haven't slept a wink for a solid six months, why do ye ask?"
"The problem is mutual, Hartold. The times are a strange one lately. The reason I ask is that, well, methinks Urdual himself is trying to tell me something."
"What could Urdual be trying to tell yeh so big that you can't sleep over?"
"Well, it ain't so much of a sleeping thing; it's just that, well, I wake up in the strangest parts. Why just this morning I woke up not five feet from a ferocious boar! And you know how he'd fare on us wizards if we had not the chance to load up a good fireball or two."
"Oh my dear gods quadrumvirate! Blessed Urdual for saving you! Are you ok?"
"Oh I'm fine my dear friend, just a bit shaken up. I'm afraid he stained my cloak sometime in the night too."
"Well I hope you find out what Urdual is trying to tell you, these times are a shaky, and anything could help."
"Aye, aye. Well nice seeing you again Hartold."
"Farewell Sembelbin."
That night, Sembelbin crawled into bed knowing full well that he would not wake up there. So he kept his snakeskin slippers on, and tucked a couple strong health potions and a mana potion to his small sack. Only Urdual in his fair justice knew what was to come next.

In the cover of darkness, Sembelbin awoke from his slumber, crawled out of his bed, stumbled to his feet, and stepped outside, weaving in between the large rats infesting the Edana countryside. Urdual led him beyond the Old Man's plateau, all the way into the depths of the thornlands. Sembelbin found himself on a ledge, facing the path to the ruins of Heras. It was here that Sembelbin was told by Urdual of Skinfaxi, the first orc slayer. It was here that Skinfaxi was given to Sembelbin by Urdual, nothing but a small baby, destined to put back the hordes desperate for blood.

"He shall be as asymmetric as you, oh Ambidextrous One."


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Isn't this the ART section? Whats with all the stories


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Feb 9, 2005
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:evil: I like pictures of swords! :p


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Fanfic really does need it's own section - if for no other reason, to make it easier to avoid the pain. ;)


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Yes please give it its own section so I dont have to look at it anymore!


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
My information.
If you think of the word Art & what it means, then I suppose Fan Fiction does belong in here.... besides it'll put a more active spin on things within the Art section :D

I say that under the impression that Art stands for ones self expression (be it fictional, non-fictional, insane, or Lord Undamael Style).