The Bag of Holding is a very powerful item, but its strength isn't immediately obvious. Where its specialty lies is in allowing you to bring every tool available into battle. This is important because the game is a matter of bringing a diverse selection of weapons and armor with you, in able to defeat the varied elemental and physical enemies contained in one map. When you can bring every weapon and armor worth carrying with you at once free of weight, barring the item limit, a problem starts to present itself: if you have immediate access to armors and weapons to render you very effective against every element, it's essentially the same as having one single armor/weapon give you effectiveness against everything.
In other words, you're every bit as strong as the toolset you bring with you (meaning everything powerful in the game).
An element of strategy has to be taken into account before going to a map now, you have to think ahead and plan your equipment more carefully in order to handle everything in the map. This would positively affect new map releases as well, since you generally do not know what might surprise you, and you may have to go back to helena to re-plan your equipment selection.
In response to criticism: I understand your complaints and don't care if you don't agree with me. However, this thread's goal isn't only to suggest a change to the BoH, but it should encourage more suggestions of rebalances! Keep in mind I'm NOT talking about nerfs, but rebalances. This means that there's give and take, you change little things about a lot of items, just to keep the game more fresh. Some items have been unchanged for years, and that just makes the game stagnant.
In other words, you're every bit as strong as the toolset you bring with you (meaning everything powerful in the game).
An element of strategy has to be taken into account before going to a map now, you have to think ahead and plan your equipment more carefully in order to handle everything in the map. This would positively affect new map releases as well, since you generally do not know what might surprise you, and you may have to go back to helena to re-plan your equipment selection.
In response to criticism: I understand your complaints and don't care if you don't agree with me. However, this thread's goal isn't only to suggest a change to the BoH, but it should encourage more suggestions of rebalances! Keep in mind I'm NOT talking about nerfs, but rebalances. This means that there's give and take, you change little things about a lot of items, just to keep the game more fresh. Some items have been unchanged for years, and that just makes the game stagnant.