Zelda: Twilight, Wii vs. GC

Wiimote or GC controller?

  • Wiimote.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GC controller.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Adventurer
Jul 28, 2004
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I have a copy of Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii. However, I do no have a Wii yet and my friend has loaned me his copy of Zelda for the GameCube.

Sofar, I have no major complaints about the gameplay. It feels like a Zelda game, a very good Zelda game. As for aiming minus the Wiimote, I have only aimed the slingshot and the boomerang with the good-ol c-stick and it feels natural and I have to try really hard to miss. The only thing that is feels lacking is the fishing... cast w/ the rod button or pull down on the c-stick. :? Pretty lame, but the whole game isn't about fishing.

If anyone here is keeping up with the new Zelda, they either know, or should know that in the Wii version of the game everything has been flipped on the x-axis. Left is Right, Right is Left as opposed to the GC version. So the question lies: Which version is the "correct" version. The GameCube one is...
Link is left handed, Kakariko village is in the east like it was in Ocarina of Time.

I wish they just flipped the sword hands and that would be all... I'm sure that's what everyone else wishes too.

I dunno if I should venture further in the GC version as I am planning on getting a Wii...

What is better? The "true" layout and swordhand of the main character? or the innovative gameplay?


New Adventurer
Nov 12, 2006
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I love the combat the way it is, I'm left handed so things are a bit different for me anyway. When you get more combat abilities and face harder enemies you get more appreciation for the current setup.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
He's playing the Wii game on his gamecube, using a gc-controller.

He wants to know about getting a Wii for the sake of using his Wii-controller.

Happy now?

Okay, if you are osbessing over that fishing incident... then yes, blow a few $hundred$ on a Wii. If you don't really care, I'd keep the gc-controller, since for simply things like attacking it seems simpler...

The Wii's motion-sensitive controller isn't exactly new anyways, you ever play "Black&White"? They've been using MSC's (hehe, motion-sensitive controllers, MSC!!!) for years now. A lot higher tech ones too, glove like ones where you bend your fingers and the "Godly Hand of Doom" bends its fingers...

You can even slap your naughty pet lion who is about fifty stories tall when he steps on the villagers :D

ANYWAYS, I say keep the GC setup if you can. The Wii's testicle sized controllers look difficult to operate (albeit I haven't tried yet).


MSC Developer
MSU Developer
Aug 23, 2005
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You can't play the Wii game on a gamecube... He's borrowing a GC version to play on his GC.

I've only played the Wii version and the controls never bothered me, it's a coolish idea not to have a standard button layout but can be annoying to pull off certain moves (The spinning round slash takes a few shakes of the nun-chuck to perform).

All in all I've completed it so it's not too bad (although in wolf form I sometimes accidentaly attack which causes Link to leap fowards off a cliff :D)


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
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I have the GC version and I love it. but then again, I am never going to get a wii so my opinion is not worth anything. I have had no problems with my game and everything from the weapon placement to the layout is perfect. its ocarnia of time but with a huge upgrade so I am happy.


New Adventurer
Jan 5, 2006
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About fishing, the fishing rod we have at start doesn't have a reel or anything. But there's a place at lake hylia where you can fish with a real fishing rod :wink: (not some crappy cheap brat's fishing rod lol)

BTW... I should start playing Zelda again cuz it's real fun and all but... everytimes I play something else than MSC, I wanna play MSC :( HELP ME!!


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Ahh, in that case; if you see a Wii, stick a firecracker in it. After doing that, buy a nice brand new one & blame the guy next to you for the firecracker one :p

As to Zelda; that is a fun game... very popular on the nintendo systems (sadly, the N64 too... Superman 64 was a big fuck up... too buggy).


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
The Pirates of Dreadwind
May 24, 2006
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Eugene, OR
Honostly the differences between the GC version and the Wii version are nothing. The ONLY difference besides the controls, is that the world is flipped backwards. They did this for the sole reason that most people swung the wii remote in there right hand (the sword) and used the nunchuck as more a defensive item.

I have the Wii version of the game and think its very well done, and either version is just as good. Both have there strong points, someone into classic controller types should stick with the GC someone interested in a different approch should get the Wii version.

Now it is true that motion sensing isn't new, much like touchable screens are not new. HOWEVER they are new for consoles, and have come down in price to actually be feasable for the average joe to afford one, hence why we are seeing it be integrated into more and more moderna day tech. Much like how someone hooked a kid up to blast factor (ps3 physics game) and let him control it with his mind, by brain waves! I am sure once that tech becomes cheaper next gen consoles could be using that.

All in all, the choice is really up to either classic controls or different controls, the choice is yours.


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
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love my old school controller


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
I love both, like for Black&White for the PC, like a 2001 or 2000 edition type game, they have a special glove you fit on your hand and it is motion sensitive too.

It lets you have a more realistic feel to playing God with a great hand hovering over people smaller than your pinky finger, while you have a thirty+ story tall cow, tiger, or ape or something running around :D

Awesome game, truly; has a multiplayer system, excellent single-player story setup, amazing graphics for its time, works on lower end systems, and is fun as hell 8)

If you have a dual core, you've gotta use a program called imagecfg to make it start up with one CPU, and not both. It's age makes it hate dual-cores, I don't know if Black&White 2 is the same though, it may get along with your computer if you have a dual core, and it may not...

The makers of Black&White, and for thsoe of you who absolutely love non-linear (and I mean 100% non-linear) RPG games... these people made Fable: The Lost Chapters as well!

I recommend you check out Black&White though, and if you are pathetic enough to have actually never have heard of Fable, look at that one too. (With MiB's forums-ass attitude, it'll be especially funny if he doesn't know about these such games when he seems to "excel" in-game MSC)



New Adventurer
Jul 28, 2004
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Netrogor said:
I love both, like for Black&White for the PC, like a 2001 or 2000 edition type game, they have a special glove you fit on your hand and it is motion sensitive too.

It lets you have a more realistic feel to playing God with a great hand hovering over people smaller than your pinky finger, while you have a thirty+ story tall cow, tiger, or ape or something running around :D

Awesome game, truly; has a multiplayer system, excellent single-player story setup, amazing graphics for its time, works on lower end systems, and is fun as hell 8)

If you have a dual core, you've gotta use a program called imagecfg to make it start up with one CPU, and not both. It's age makes it hate dual-cores, I don't know if Black&White 2 is the same though, it may get along with your computer if you have a dual core, and it may not...

The makers of Black&White, and for thsoe of you who absolutely love non-linear (and I mean 100% non-linear) RPG games... these people made Fable: The Lost Chapters as well!

I recommend you check out Black&White though, and if you are pathetic enough to have actually never have heard of Fable, look at that one too. (With MiB's forums-ass attitude, it'll be especially funny if he doesn't know about these such games when he seems to "excel" in-game MSC)


so you like the Wii version because?

or was it the GameCube version?

please try and be more clear.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
If you had actually read what I typed out, you'd know I left the discussion of controllers and had moved onto a great game-creating group (Lionhead Studios).

As to why I like Wii's controller, it is because it is motion sensitive, but it isn't exactly impressive as even the PC has already had that for over seven years.

As to a classic controller, like GC, Dreamcast, and Playstation controllers, I like those because I'm better than most others at using them. Like "Resistance: Fall of Man" for the PS3 and "Medal of Honor", anyone of those series, for the PS2 I can aim and shoot without a problem :D


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Old Man: HAPPY! I FEEL HAPPY! I think I'll go for a walk!!
His Son: Nope, he's dead... take him will you?
Bring Out Yer'Dead Guy: Look, I can't take him

A basic script run up of the old guy from Monte Python's "Search for the Holy Grail," which is an awesome movie.

I think SFTHG & TMOL (search for the holy grail, and the meaning of life) are the best ones. By for "Search for the Holy Grail" is the absolute best by Monte Python, and the greatest comedy movie on the planet (yesterday, today, and tomorrow & always on it will be)...

That movie was made even funnier since it was under-budget, so they used those horse props (if you saw documentaries on the movie, little ten minute things, you'd know they only used the coco-nuts & all that cuz they couldn't afford any better) :oldlol: