Double Casting


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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Wizard Wars promised us something awesome and failed to deliver. For those unaware, Wizard Wars is a multiplayer TFC style mod with a magical theme. There was a feature that allowed two wizards to combine powers to cast a powerful spell called a 'combo' but the feature is bugged.

Master Sword:Continued has borrowed from Wizard Wars before and I am of the opinion that we should do it a little more. Why not take an awesome concept like WW's combos and incorporate them into MSC as some kind of double casting system? There are numerous ways to implement this idea and any ideas for its implementation are welcome in this thread.

Personally, I see these as being massive AoE spells restricted to two (or more) wizards with very high Spell Casting levels. A perfect example is the giant blizzard spawned by Maldoras Pet. If a code and casting system could be developed we already have a spell animation ready. Another cool idea might be a very large volcano spell. Volcano is fun already but I think it would be really exciting to work together with another wizard to summon a mammoth super-volcano!
Mixing different types of magic could also work too, allowing for really interesting AoE spells.

One problem immediately arises, however, from massive AoE spells and that is easy exp gain. Another is the fact that two or more people would have to share experience. My opinion, however, is that these spells are too powerful to allow users to gain experience from them anyway. I think the best solution is to have double casting spells give no experience at all.

With that out of the way, I want to illustrate my more broad vision of these spells.

I would like to see these powerful spells have after effects on the environment (or at least a % chance of having an effect). I see them as a powerful form of geomancy. For example, if you were to summon maldoras blizzard it should have a chance of activating the setweather_snow command. Maybe combining a water or ice spell could force setweather_rain or a water/thunder mix could force a thunderstorm weather command. It might even be cool to make divination and dark spells that could force day or night.

What would the point of this be? Well, a few interesting features could be created to make this a very rich aspect of the game.

A while ago I made this thread:
If more monsters like the fire reaver or thornlands wolves were added to dungeons in this game and you restricted them to spawning only under certain weather conditions, then this double casting concept becomes very useful not only inside of battle, but outside as well. If there is was a quest to hunt down some rare monster that only spawned during a thunderstorm at night these spells would be a major asset to the player.

There is another possibility that could add a really deep dimension to fighting in MSC. What if the environments in MSC actually influenced the stats of the players, monsters and/or spells? For example, if it were snowing fire damage would increase against both players and enemies and cold would have a greater chance of freezing things. Or, if it were raining or somehow wet in some way thunder damage could increase.
Another possibility is having only certain equipment affected by the weather. If you are wearing Phoenix Armor and it is snowing you become weak against cold. Certain monsters and bosses could also be made weak against certain conditions. This could turn some boss battles into very strategic fights, which is exactly what I want out of any RPG.

It would be nice to take that even one step further and only allow you to switch from one condition to another if they are 'connected' in some way. For example, assume it is snowing. Because of this, you cannot suddenly create a rain or thunderstorm. However, perhaps you could create a hail storm or a freezing rain storm. Once you had created a frozen rain storm, the path to creating a normal rainstorm or thunderstorm is open. It would be especially cool to have some bosses gain resistance to a weakness over time, so long as they are in the right environmental condition. However, as one resistance increased, another could decrease. So, if it were snowing after a while the boss would be very resistant to cold attacks but would be weak against fire. At this point, two mages would have to work together to cycle through different storms to get to a hypothetical inferno environment. It would be cool to make the spells take some time to cast, and if you get hit the spell ends in the same way rejuvenation does. This would force players to guard the wizards while they tried to alter the environment. More team play is needed in MSC and this would be a fantastic way to do it, but I admit it may be impossible to pull off. It is still worth mentioning though.

It would be important however to allow players to at least disable the visual effects of the weather system, while still keeping the damage effects active so people didn't lag/get blinded.

Of course, these are just a few ways of implementing a double casting system. If anybody else has ideas of their own, please post them here.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Experience is calced by damage, and I'm not sure how to go about splitting said XP between two players, when the damage is delivered by a single spell.

Assistance spells work, of course, and although the idea you are putting forth sounds intriguing - two players combining powers for a nastier spell, I've no clue how to implement such a thing, off hand.

Wizard Wars combos don't work as they should, of course. The combo chaos option just turns certain spell books into Combo spell weapon pick ups. Problem being, WW combos are so incredibly unbalanced, it just leads to instant destruction of everything on the map - "combo chaos", at least, lives up to the latter half of its name, if not the former.

Rideable beasts, ala Wizard Wars dragons, might be another idea to theive, but I suspect such a thing would have to be map-specific, and likely rather sloppy.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
How about magic circle where players must give mana to activate? kinda like ammunition storages on NS but inversed.