Recent content by Mexican

  1. M

    *Trading Post*

    As the inventor of personal value (as far as i can tell) i am very sad to hear you don't like the system :lol: I assume you must hate exchanging currency for your every day goods and services. :D As for me, i just assign value depending on MS:C market value and my desires, just like anyone...
  2. M

    *Trading Post*

    Yea, it's kind of a form of currency i like to use to express how i value stuff. Effective for trading (that's why money exists to begin with) :D
  3. M

    *Trading Post*

    Looking for undying blade Offering : - Ingredients for Vorpal dagger (10 points) - Ingredients for DBH (I'm just missing the 2 Dark tomas + 1 fire tomas) (10 points) - Holy Lance (10 points) -...
  4. M

    *Trading Post*

    Sorry i just ran out of holy lances :S I might get more soon, though, given my luck on these things.
  5. M

    May Be a Rollback request

    It came to my attention that there are 5 felwyn swords, i had no clue about this! But apparently, the sword should have dropped...
  6. M

    May Be a Rollback request

    By max capacity i meant the fact you can only have one shard. Ok , to make a complete story, what happened is that i offered items for trade and someone offered felwyn symbols to purchase the items he needed, after the trade, i had two complete sets of felwyn symbols. I spent about two hours...
  7. M

    May Be a Rollback request

    Let's say i simply had no clue i had to forge the undying blade before getting a second felwyn shard. :P
  8. M

    May Be a Rollback request

    EDITED: I heard you don't do rollbacks for felwyns, but i don't understand why you would not just remove the maximum capacity instead to avoid this from happening in the first place? Or you could warn people about it somehow in-game in sfor like, hey you cannot carry more than one, then you...
  9. M

    *Trading Post*

    I'd be delighted to. :) I'm logging as we speak. Great trade, thanks! :D
  10. M

    *Trading Post*

    Sorry everyone for my lack of presence i had to get out of town for 9 days, and then i had to undergo surgery. For those of you who made offers i'm still willing to take them, i will wait for responses rather than individually responding to avoid redundancies. ----ITEM LIST CHANGED----...
  11. M

    *Trading Post*

    Now that i look at it, i don't need axes of balance :S I guess i'll take the second option out of courtesy since it's my mistake, i'd appreciate a different item than the AOB but i'll do the trade if you don't have anything else. :wink: I edited the AOB's out of the list for future trades.
  12. M

    *Trading Post*

    This post is outdated, please view my new post in page 90.
  13. M


    I appreciate the feedback, i'm perplexed as to why Zeus would lose it in a similar manner, i guess i'll keep my future rusty daggers in my chest until next patch or something. As for the rollback request, well, given the fact only 5-10 minutes elapsed between the gain and loss i'm willing to...
  14. M


    If that's the only way, then i'm willing to take the risk. I guess i'll have to deal with the losses.
  15. M


    I know i can't change this in any way shape or form , it's not my type to actually log in forums to rant, but this one annoyance is just.... grossly discouraging. I don't think i need to mention how rare eth daggers are. I don't think i need to mention how amazingly annoying it is to lose it. I...