Mining/Smithing through gathering of ores


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
I was brainstorming ideas with Oyster last night about how there is a lack of metal variations in MSC and in the textures department, now that I can make different colored metals to give the feel that there are other metals in existence, but then the question remains; what would we do with these new metals? Could we take old novice weapons and recolor them to utilize the new metals and make them higher tier weapons that merchants can sell? Perhaps tie them into quests or be able to gather an ore to be taken to a specific smith to be forged into some special weapon?

Another idea was to have a mining system where you could mine ores either by breaking a ore vein with a specific weapon or an intractable object (kind of like a chest) to gather ores needed for crafting of weapons. These ores could be used to give a sort of buff to existing weapons or create whole new ones. I just would find it nice to get the feeling of actually creating a weapon from scratch.

Some examples of new metal (ore) types: ... 3.png?dl=0


New Adventurer
Sons of Babel
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Uhhhh, i like this idea.

I can imagine the ore comes from destroy able ore vains in maps, somewhat like a damagable surface that upon destruction drops the ore. Which in turn you can bring to the smiths in the cities.
But alot of maps would have to be changed to implement this idea :wink:


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
ner0sense said:
Uhhhh, i like this idea.

I can imagine the ore comes from destroy able ore vains in maps, somewhat like a damagable surface that upon destruction drops the ore. Which in turn you can bring to the smiths in the cities.
But alot of maps would have to be changed to implement this idea :wink:

Well the idea would be more of the higher level maps would have this, i doubt there would be any in low level maps such as mscaves, but more higher level maps such as one the ones I'm currently making, which is aimed at more of level 25 or higher players. and it would be nice to either have the vein only have a chance of spawning, or choose between several ore types to spawn from common to rare ores. Not entirely sure how to set it up, could maybe do it as a mob that looks like a rock but doesn't move and would be regulated through a multi-manager or something along those lines. Or maybe an actual object in the game that you simple run to and collect, or even have a rock monster that has a rare chance to drop ores.