Recent content by StrikerAY

  1. S

    Needs more generous item dropping.

    I like that idea. There is a game called Vindictus that actually has a three way system where items drop on chance(rare), ingredients drop to craft the items(common), and finally a token system called seals that gives you a seal every time you complete the area. You can use seals as a form of...
  2. S

    "red" weapons

    I play a game called Phantasy Star Online and they had these weapons known as "red" weapons and I thought they would be awesome to have in MSC. Here's how red weapons work in PSO: you must do a fairly long quest-line and at the end a smith makes for you one red weapon of your choice be it a...
  3. S

    Balance replacement (if it comes to that)

    YES! I would love to see some sort of difference in training the sub stats!
  4. S

    Some Nifty Suggestions

    I like the idea of having other elements having their own Ice shield equivalent. I've also thought about this and one and I think you could sorta mix them some. Fire shield could be called Burning Rage(or something similar) and be a damage boost, Lightning shield could be Lightning Speed, your...
  5. S

    MSC Wiki

    There should be a list of what NPCs are in the area or something. The bloodstone ring quest tells you where to go next until you reach one guy who says just the name of the next NPC; who you will never find by just exploring because he is on a map that has no entrance, you must votemap to it...
  6. S

    Balance replacement (if it comes to that)

    I've heard rumors that there has been talk of removing on chance missing with melee weapons. If this is implemented and on chance missing is removed; then the balance stat will become useless. I thus propose a replacement of the function of the balance stat: balance could work as an average...
  7. S

    Spell casting level not matching on same server

    Actually I've been around long enough to remember those, my favorite method to level summoning/protection was to cast lightning storm, which back then didn't DOT enemies; but constantly struck them, during the lightning storms attack if you cast another spell or swung a weapon it gave you xp for...
  8. S

    Spell casting level not matching on same server

    I know about the 2 invisible spell casting sub stats, but my friends that are divided by 5 aren't doing anything to level them up, and i know my spell casting math isn't off due to the missing +2 because he has 85 levels of spell casting(sub) and i have 119 and we are the same level spell casting.
  9. S

    Spell casting level not matching on same server

    My friends and I are playing on a LAN server together and recently we discovered that my spell casting is being divided by 7 while someone else on the server has their spell casting divided by 5 instead. Going through everyone on the server most of us have 1/7 spell casting but some of us have...
  10. S

    Armor of Bravery nerf/rebalance/suggestion thread

    I really like this idea! Just make the armor have less damage % reduction so damage negation only happens at really low levels. Also, these things in D&D typically only work against physical damage (or magic attacks of +2 or lower or some such, ignore that part though) so maybe the damage...
  11. S

    Sword and Shield map

    Sorry I got a little bit confusing there. When I said the shield boss, I meant the one attacking the town, because the shield is the group of players protecting the town. The shield boss won't spawn until the sword boss is reached, so camping in town will only net you some exp which you can get...
  12. S

    Sword and Shield map

    I just wanted it to be logical that its infinite; something like the boss is summoning them. I always think it is weird in games when a small building produces infinite security guards, even though a building of its size wouldn't even employ more than 20 guards max, or fighting any army...
  13. S

    Sword and Shield map

    For the offensive enemies that are attacking the town I want to use something that logically can come infinitely. Something like undead or animated armors any other suggestions?
  14. S

    Sword and Shield map

    I think I didn't explain this map well enough in some sense. The reason that I don't see this being solo-able isn't that you'll simply be defending weak npcs. Defending the npcs is only half the map. At the same time some player(s) are defending the npcs, another player(s) has to take a side...
  15. S

    Sword and Shield map

    I like the healer idea! After I have finished the shape and most monster spawns I'll see if I can set these up (maybe the mummy priests? gotta see how they react to other mobs and cut their health down a little, don't wanna use all mummies though). The catapults gave me an idea, I could make...