Recent content by Ryuzaki Redgrave

  1. R

    Selective Illegal joining

    I for one agree. It is infuriatingly simple for some moron to hop on the server at the end of gauntlet maps, steal all the damage points, and make off with the loot that they were either too lazy, or too stupid to get on their own. If it will always be that you need three people to votelock...
  2. R

    Mayday, S.O.S, someone help please

    So there's this bit of interesting issues going on with my MSC game. Even though the mouse bug is supposed to be fixed in this patch, I'm still plagued by it whenever I start it up. But the truly strange part is that it's only bugged in fullscreen mode, when it's windowed it runs fine with no...
  3. R

    Stormshifts Bazaar @ 2/11/13

    Re: Stormshifts Bazaar @ 1/31 Unholy Blade is what I am looking for. I have every item you are looking for baring the Crescent Blades and the Blood Blades. Please specify what combination of items you are willing to trade Unholy Blade for. Thank you for your time.