Recent content by PhotoSacred

  1. P

    [REQ] A door ( portal / archway )

    i tried to pute something new in the middle dont know if its really any better tho(go here to see picture i don't want to upload pics to my website anymore-
  2. P

    made in like 4 hours

    lol well i dont really think it would be useful for anything but whatever
  3. P

    [wip] Actual Buckler "replacement/fix?"

    i would actually perfer if something better were in the middle i just couldnt make anything
  4. P

    [REQ] A door ( portal / archway )

    i only even tried this because in another thread were evil counterparts of the maps where suggested thothie said he could do it if he had this.
  5. P

    made in like 4 hours

    lol, when i started it was supposed to be a dragon/friendly
  6. P

    made in like 4 hours

    got bored made this in like 4 hours[/code]
  7. P

    [REQ] A door ( portal / archway )

    the thing in the middle was supposed to be a creature but my talent is nubish at best.
  8. P

    [REQ] A door ( portal / archway )

    is this decent enough? lol sorry its not better. if you want it here is the file i didnt compile cause i dont thinkanyone wants it.