Recent content by immad

  1. I


    another stupid picture quoted directly from Ston - .. wait. :roll: Also, yes I am stoned actually, just had my early morning wake and bake. :P I'm just waiting to see J-M's response. :D
  2. I


    if you say so. :o no hard feelings bro. 8)
  3. I

    INFO Latest Update News

    Is it possible we may see a hotfix perhaps for the axes' primary charge? :?: Curious.
  4. I


    I don't always visit the forums, but when I do.. I troll J-M to infinity. I mean, c'mon. The guy's just an easy target. He's ass hurt over every little thing, and it's humorous to get a reaction out of him. :D Plainly he's a troll himself, but oooooooooh well. I guess it's more acceptable for...
  5. I


    ^ ilu Thothie. :wink: but it seems that J-M's really the mad one here, you know though. His "cute" little photobucket .gifs prove that in itself. :roll: and it was tl;dr but ironically you'd quote it. :cry: it's a shame MiB isn't here. I missed him trolling you constantly. But it's still...
  6. I


    here's a GIF for you. sorry, no fancy added flashing though. you may know this one as: "no u." i love the fact you have a "humor" subfolder in your photobucket account. :roll: try hard. also, why is your steam account banned? :P got owned too much and had to resort to hacking? inb4 the...
  7. I


    +1 lulz.
  8. I

    *Trading Post*

    Because I totally said "boy i'm sure glad i got my northmaul LAST NIGHT." lmfao. nt. :roll: that's a nice fail on your part. :3 @Trombone: Hush up boy, there need be no evidence presented to prove that J-M is a damn baby about everything. Also, I never said I was a troll, but again, good...
  9. I

    *Trading Post*

    Who trollin? You trollin. Plus, J-M is just a crybaby, which isn't trolling at all, it's a proven fact. Nonetheless, say, think, type, or feel what you want. Doesn't matter to me. Oh and, I got a Northmaul now, notice how I didn't say "Still trying to trade for a Northmaul." :roll: And it's...
  10. I

    *Trading Post*

    D-d-double post but I got an extra Steam Crossbow for trade. :roll: I wonder how long this thread will stay ontopic now after all this rage over J-M.
  11. I

    *Trading Post*

    Whoa you're good, you got me man! I really am 16. :( Not only that, but I am new to this game and forums despite my earliest post dating back to 2009! Are you a wizard?! I'm *glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad* (why so much emphasis on the a, is your keyboard sticky from you know what? :wink: )you cared so...
  12. I

    *Trading Post*

    Yeah you're right, you probably don't know me so therefore I suppose I am a "nobody" to you. But then again, I don't associate with the many dipsh!ts on this forum board such as yourself for various reasons, so that could be it too. Au revoir, faggot. :3
  13. I

    *Trading Post*

    LOVE. p.s. the offer for a North Maul still stands. even though I doubt anyone will take it.
  14. I

    *Trading Post*

    C'mon Thothie, we're trying to discuss a serious trade here! also, when is the new patch due to fix the axes' primary charge? :(
  15. I

    *Trading Post*

    OH, you're right, the f*ck was I thinking! It's J-M, of course he's always crying about something. :oops: Where's that Kanye West shrugging picture when you need it? :zing: Edited, like a pro. Aside pointlessly flaming J-M.. seriously though, who's got a North Maul for trade? :wink: